Lisa Bassett is a Certified Music Practitioner living in Chicago, IL.

Lisa singing with an elderly patient.

Lisa singing with an elderly patient.

She sings for individuals and their families.  She also sings with groups of people in long-term care. 

Lisa uses the physics of sound, rhythm and resonance, and all the elements of music — tone, melody, modes and dynamics — to create a healing space.

She listens and observes the person's needs in the moment, and responds with her music to those needs as they shift and change. Lisa sings in many styles, genres and languages, and improvises as well.

She sings at the patient's bedside or wherever he or she is most comfortable. Her singing and her presence encourage the family, nurses and other staff. The music strengthens body and spirit. Often during a session, the patient sings along. 

Lisa provides music that...

Complements medical science

  • Stimulates immune system
  • Stabilizes brain waves
  • Regulates heart rate
  • Accesses memory
  • Reduces need for pain medication

Facilitates healing

  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Increases endorphin levels
  • Evokes and helps process emotions
  • Calms anxiety

Promotes well-being and peace

  • Comforts
  • Soothes the spirit
  • Supports family and caregivers

Benefits patients in

  • Oncology, dialysis, and rehab
  • Neonatal Intensive care
  • Critical Care
  • Surgery
  • Labor and Delivery Emergency Department
  • Pediatrics
  • Hospice
  • Palliative care
  • In-home care 

Lisa wrote "Between My House and Your House" for those she loves, those whose lives give her courage, those who emanate joy.

Lisa Sings Dona Nobis Pacem with her brother John and sister Miriam.

Family & caregivers say...

"Your singing brought my Jim back!"

- Wife of a 100-year-old dementia patient

“His oxygenation is better, his heart rate is down, his blood pressure is lower . . . and we all enjoy it.”

- Nurse checking a patient’s vital signs

in ICU, Swedish Covenant Hospital

“Your presence eased my daughter's passing and brought comfort to the family.”

- Mother of a dying patient, at Swedish Covenant Hospital

“She had a wonderful time! She’s been singing and humming all morning.”

- Activity worker, of a 108-year-old woman with advanced dementia at Montgomery Place

“Your time with him was such a powerful, warm and personal interaction. [He] was energized for a day, maybe two after each weekly time with you. It was wonderful for him and valued by us. I can't say thank you to an iPod, but I can to you. Thanks for being part of our caring for my dad.”

- Nick, son of an Alzheimer's patient

Lisa's patients say...

“This is the most relaxed I’ve been all week.”

- Cerebral palsy patient, in her home

“You speak to my heart. If you sing to me, I’ll be all right.”

- Multiple sclerosis patient, 

at North Shore University Healthsystems, Evanston, Illinois

"Your song carried me away."

- Patient in acute pain

at Stroger Hospital Emergency Department 

Healthcare Professionals Say...

“Music of the right kind can serve to orient and anchor the patient when almost nothing else can...”

- Dr. Oliver Sacks, Neurologist

“Music has been recognized through research as a safe, inexpensive and effective non-pharmaceutical way to relieve anxiety.”

- Dr. Brian Seeney, National Naval Medical Center, Maryland

“Half an hour of music produced the same effect as 10 milligrams of valium.”

- Dr. Raymond Bahr, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore

“Music...can help facilitate communication between the family and the patient who is actively dying, while also providing a comforting presence.”

- American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

“Music is . . . a powerful tool for alleviating many of the symptoms that the seriously ill and dying experience."

- Dorothy L. Pitner, President and CEO, Palliative Care Center and Hospice of the North Shore 


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